To improve my quality of life so that i can improve my family's quality of life.

Saturday 30 January 2010

Time to take charge!

Things have not gone exactly smoothly over the past few days - i wake up feeling positive and start out well. But by the end of the day i have messed up. So i have been doing some thinking. 
It is obious  to me that this is about more than what i eat! I know how to eat healthy, and i also know that if i do not improve my fitness level i will die sooner than i need to. So why the hell is it so hard to stick to healthy eating 24/7. After all, that is all there is to it, isn't it? 
So, After 3 years of educating myself about cooking healthy food for my family , I know how to eat well, the questions should be, why dont i? what stops me? Maybe if i identify  these triggers, that insist on sabocharging  my efforts, i might regain control.
I spend so much of my time and effort on preparing healthy foods. I do everything from scratch - nearly everything we eat starts off its life as a bunch of raw ingredients on my worktop.  I have taken everything right back to the simplest of forms to enable me to remove as many additives as possible from my families diet. I do all i can  not to buy anything that has been processed. IHowever , I have not managed to make salad cream or ketchup yet!!!
I do better when my life is organised. But nobody can be organised all the time, things go wrong and mess  things up. But it seems that for me things mess up all the time. The combination of 4 disorganised children and 1 disorganised husband messing my schedules up do not help.
A Dr told me once. that if i was ever to beat this i would need to become selfish - i thought this was an awful thing to say, but maybe he was right. I think it is time to get tough.
My Dr once told me that the only wat i was going to win this was to become selfish.

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