To improve my quality of life so that i can improve my family's quality of life.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Back again!

OK, So i messed up again over the past few weeks but i figure i must get back on track - i was thinking about what causes me to keep ruining all my efforts.
This is what i came up with.

Number 1: I loose control when get stressed.
Number 2: I get stressed really easily
Number 3: My life is full of stressy situations
Number 4: I have absolutely no self confidence
Number 5: I am totally addicted to refined sugar

OK So what can i do about it?

Firstly, i know that i am not going to be able to reduce the stress in my life anytime soon. So i guess i need to find away to change the way i react to stress.
I am trying to run 6 lives - Mine, my 4 childrens and my husband's - All 4 of the children are experiencing medical problems which mean multiple hospital appointments, which i am forever  forgetting along with loads of other things.
Funny thing stress - it is very good at making you forget things that you were perfectly aware of a few hours before. Then i worry about forgetting what ever it is i  have forgotten, which stresses me out even more!
When i get stressed, i loose my self control.  and i crave food. I am not hungry, i just want to eat - but not stuff like fruit  - i crave stodge. Then once i have finished munching i feel bad for ruining my efforts which in turn make me feel like there is no point even trying.
So why do i crave food when i get stressed?  - i figure that the kind of foods i eat when i am cravings are high in refined sugar and that sugar gives me the happy feelings which help me to get over being stressed.
Therefore, i seriously need to wean myself off of refined sugar (not easily done!). And i also need to learn to react to all the  stressy situations in a different way.
If i can stay in control of my feelings  then i can stay in control of my diet and my health must improve.
So how do i begin to waen myself off this drug?
I have conquered caffine, removed all artificial sweeteners from my diet, controlled my fat intake and learnt how to cook dishes from scratch - no processed foods in this house. All i have left to control is sugar.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Everest is still winning !!

Well i keep getting nagged about updating this blog by a certain someone (you know who you are!) so i guess that is what i am doing. So if you do not want to read a few paragraphs from me moaning i recommend you stop reading right now, because i have nothing good to report.
I think i just have to accept that i am unable to stick to anything. Just the slightest bit of stress and i go off the rails.  I guess Everest will have to wait a bit longer!  I have to weigh myself tomorrow but i am not expecting it to be good news. Anyway i will start again (again!) and see if i can get any good results over the next week - time is going so fast it should be easy to be controlled with my eating, but it isn't. Food is taking over my life, i was trying to unimportantise food but counting points and/or calories is becoming  a continuous never ending obsession. 
I am spending so much time cooking healthy meals that i am letting other jobs fall by the wayside and now things in the house are out of control. I have no idea what is wrong with me, most people can run a family and  a home with great success but it seems to take me all my time, leaving very little time to do stuff for myself. Then it all gets on top of me and the healthy eating goes out of the window.
I think i must get tough and start running a tighter ship - i think it  maybe time to take the advise given to me by someone who has had many more years experience of living than myself. He thinks i need to be tougher on my family and get them to clear up their own mess and try to maintain the work i do. So i will try it - those kiddies will wish they had stayed at school! I will stay very calm but just make them understand that it is impossible for me to continuously sort things out for 6 people. And i dont care how long it takes - i have got to get some help or i wont be here to pick up after them anymore, then they will have to do it themselves! I really do have to get selfish if i am going to beat this.