To improve my quality of life so that i can improve my family's quality of life.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Back again!

OK, So i messed up again over the past few weeks but i figure i must get back on track - i was thinking about what causes me to keep ruining all my efforts.
This is what i came up with.

Number 1: I loose control when get stressed.
Number 2: I get stressed really easily
Number 3: My life is full of stressy situations
Number 4: I have absolutely no self confidence
Number 5: I am totally addicted to refined sugar

OK So what can i do about it?

Firstly, i know that i am not going to be able to reduce the stress in my life anytime soon. So i guess i need to find away to change the way i react to stress.
I am trying to run 6 lives - Mine, my 4 childrens and my husband's - All 4 of the children are experiencing medical problems which mean multiple hospital appointments, which i am forever  forgetting along with loads of other things.
Funny thing stress - it is very good at making you forget things that you were perfectly aware of a few hours before. Then i worry about forgetting what ever it is i  have forgotten, which stresses me out even more!
When i get stressed, i loose my self control.  and i crave food. I am not hungry, i just want to eat - but not stuff like fruit  - i crave stodge. Then once i have finished munching i feel bad for ruining my efforts which in turn make me feel like there is no point even trying.
So why do i crave food when i get stressed?  - i figure that the kind of foods i eat when i am cravings are high in refined sugar and that sugar gives me the happy feelings which help me to get over being stressed.
Therefore, i seriously need to wean myself off of refined sugar (not easily done!). And i also need to learn to react to all the  stressy situations in a different way.
If i can stay in control of my feelings  then i can stay in control of my diet and my health must improve.
So how do i begin to waen myself off this drug?
I have conquered caffine, removed all artificial sweeteners from my diet, controlled my fat intake and learnt how to cook dishes from scratch - no processed foods in this house. All i have left to control is sugar.

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